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Film Faced Shuttering Plywood is manufactured with high density timber in ultra modern hot presses. Since it is manufactured with CPGL technology, thus it has extra strength than ordinary film face ply. For structurally strong and better bonding it is treated differently while manufacturing. Magnus film face shuttering ply is widely known for the maximum repetitions it gives. Users find it a very useful & economical product worth their investment.

Special features of  Film Faced Shuttering Plywood are:

  • Film faced shuttering plywood is most effective in RCC constructions.
  • It has a smooth mirror like superior finishing on both surfaces.
  • It saves up to 45% of cost compared to other similar products due to more repetition during shuttering work.
  • Its cross laminated structure between face veneer, core veneer and the film again enhances the strength of ply.
  • After using it as shuttering plywood for many times, it can be re-used for paneling, roofing, flooring, partitions etc.